09 December 2010

God FTW Thursday

That basically describes my day.
My heart is overflowing.

3am was pretty rough last night, I can't lie. I did NOT want to get up this morning, but I'm so very glad I did.
I had a pretty uneventful morning working on computers in the Liberry. Those ladies just ask so much! Had lunch with the beautiful Abigail and we were joined by Suz & Cody. My boss brought his cherry sunburst Gibson Les Paul to work after lunch. I almost died from not breathing. It was gorgeous. We didn't get a chance to play, but we will tomorrow. I'm so excited.
We headed out to the Liberry to finish more computers, but I left around 330 for a playdate with Emily. Starbucks, TJ Maxx, and Ross ensued. After not finding leg warmers there, we ran to the mall & found some in Rue21. We left there with leg warmer twinsies and visited Connect Rome where we chillaxed with some cool kids there for a while. This guy came in because he was in the mall, I guess, and saw the CR stuff and just wanted to know about the church. He said he wanted to have somewhere to get plugged in at. He's been gone from Rome for about 3 years and is currently without a job here. God humbled me through this guy today. Wow. I pray..goodness I pray..that somehow, some way, CR can hook him up with a ride this week so he can come encounter God and just be loved on in that place. Because when you go to CR..you get loved on. A lot. Jeannene and I left there and went out for dinner to Panera. OH..there was a gorgeous sunset in the mix too. I missed half of it, but the other half was just mindblowing.
After a wonderful dinner & tons of chatting, JBean dropped me off at M/L for a little Disney time with Susan and Madison. Hello Lion King!! It reminded me so much of April and John Burnett because we roar a lot.
After finishing the movie and sitting for a bit, I ran over to the liberry (for the third time in one day, might I add..the most ALL semester..and I walked, but 'ran' sounded better) to see the one and only Sarahtaco. After extended conversations about everything under the sun because that's what happens when we're together, I walked home in the cold. I almost didn't notice though. I couldn't help thinking back over my day and all the ridiculously incredible people I'd seen.
THEN I saw Abs again...and upstairs..in ma room..low and behold..THERE WERE COOKIES! From Kurtis because she is love. =)

I feel like I talked all day about being in Rome and how God has such a purpose here right now in my life. It blows my mind to even think about thinking about it. It made me think of the song "count your blessings" (and by song I mean hymn) from back in the day...I felt like God was literally showing me my blessings in Rome today..over and over and over again. People, sunsets, places, memories. I don't know. It just absolutely made my heart melt. I am in awe of how God crosses our paths with other people.
I remembered sometime earlier this week how I sent Jeannene a text during Passion last year because we were both there and I wanted to meet up with her. I don't even remember how I had her number or why we were friends. Emily and I are just barely friends, but she has been such a ridiculous encouragement over the past few months. I honestly can't remember off the top of my head when I got her number.
Katie and I met because of Relay.
Susan and I randomly became friends in paint class. I don't even remember how. And Madison is her roommate so we became friends and Mads gave me JMM which is heaven in CD-R form!
And Sarah. Sweet Sarah who I've known as two different people for a while. Talk about scatter-brained. She works with my bffrussian, Bell, and has for 1.5 years, but I never really knew her. Then I saw her with Susan a lot, but I didn't know she was the same person as the girl at telecom. Then I put them together and it was crazy. Like a sushi roll. And now she, susan, & i are going to be summer roomies. WOAH crazy!
Abs and I have been friends for three whole years. Three. Since freshman year. She was legitimately the first person I met here. WOW.

God, You are mind-blowing. And I am unreasonably, extravagantly, ridiculously blessed.

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