31 October 2010

tangible presence

"When the priests came out of the holy place, the cloud filled the LORD's temple, and because of the cloud, the priests were not able to continue ministering for the glory of the LORD filled the temple." - 1 Kings 8:10-11

28 October 2010


Sometimes I wish I could just scream at people. I'm not angry or upset or frustrated or bugged or agitated or perturbed.

But..could you...just..open...your..eyes...
and see.
be blinded  by a light far greater
than the light bulb ideas in your head.
those swimming dots you see are just a figment.

Sometimes I wish I could just yell

He is here. He is the still, small voice
not the thousand running rampant in your head.

and listen.

26 October 2010

Who can dwell in the Lord's tent and live on His holy mountain?

  1. one who lives honestly
  2. one who practices righteousness
  3. one who acknowledges the truth in her heart - my mind knows it, but I have to teach my heart
  4. one who does not slander - words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another
  5. one who does not harm her friend
  6. one who does not discredit her neighbor - cause to be distrusted or disbelieved
  7. one who despises those rejected by the LORD
  8. one who honors those who fear God
  9. one who keeps her word whatever the cost
  10. one who does not lend her money at interest
  11. one who does not take a bribe against the innocent
Where are you living?

Psalm 15

25 October 2010

Sugar cookies for breakfast? ... check

Juli and I made the most wonderful sugar cookies in the world last night...and put icing on them. If we were any older we would probably shoot ourselves, but they are sugary goodness from heaven!
I also spent a little time in Moon yesterday. My walk back to Morgan was absolutely incredible. My art professor said a few days ago that there is no black in nature and I saw that first hand last night. I sat outside for the longest time just pondering creation and the colors around me. I was floored.
Today is the first day in my dress-up week. My advisor laughed at me after hearing my answer to his question about my nice attire. Dress for success. Carson Conway. (Whose birthday is May 20. I will never forget.)
He approved my classes for next semester and calmed my fears about post-graduation life and even about taking Spanish with Jen Correy, which is a leap in and of its own. He also understands why I am so demanding when it comes to my Keds. I want them to be clean. When I accidentally walk through mud, I get upset. It's completely my fault, but it still bothers the mess out of me.

Speaking of Keds, wearing them without shoe laces is like riding a bike with no handlebars...no handlebars..

Oh, so here are my classes for next semester:
1. 2-D Art w/ Dreyer 9-950a MWF
2. Western Lit w/ Tenger 10-10:50a MWF  (I'm taking Modern Brit w/ her right now)
3. Romantic Lit w/ Trolander 12:30-1:45p TH (my advisor, Jane Austen & Lit Studies prof)
4. Early 20C Art w/ Troy 2-3:15p TH (I've taken 3 art history courses w/ her)
5. Renaissance Lit w/ Taylor 3:30-4:45p TH

Spanish 101 & 102
40 hours of work / week


Okay so that's how things are shaping up right now. I'm kind of excited about it...a little nervous because of all the intense Relay for Life stuff that's going to be happening at the same time, but I think it'll be alright as long as my committee does what they need to do! I have confidence in them.

Okay, class time.
love you guys

20 October 2010


I know it's super late, but let me tell you what God did.
A beautiful friend of mine, Susanna, sent me a text to read Ezekiel 36:8-11. Talk about random, right? Who reads Ezekiel? Well, obviously, God's got a word there, too. Check this out:

"You, mountains of Israel, will put forth your branches and bear your fruit for My people Israel, since their arrival is near. Look! I am on your side; i will turn toward you, and you will be tilled and sown. I will fill you with people, with the whole house of Israel in its entirety. The cities will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. I will fill you with people and animal and they will increase and  be fruitful. I will make you inhabited as you once were and make you better off than you were before. Then you will know that I am the LORD."

WOW!!! As I was reading it, God was connecting circles in my head. I started to write it down in my journal and God connected even more. This is such an incredible picture of so many aspects of our Father and who we are in Him!!

1. Sunday at church, my pastor, Josh, started a series on heaven and hell. He referenced Revelation 12:11 that says, "They conquored him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death," and said that satan doesn't have to destroy our lives - he simply has to distract us from our goal - from the glory and kingdom of God and His purpose in our lives. Not only that but Matthew 6:10 says "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done." We've all read that before. It's not simply something we recite on occasion, it's praying that God's kingdom as He intended it be brought to this earth. The christian church typically teaches creation, fall, and redemption - God created you. Sin entered you and you became worthless. God redeemed you. They stop there. NOT TRUE - THERE IS MORE! Like Ezekiel explicitly says - God will rebuild these ruins. If that's not a call for restoration, I'm not sure there is one. The gospel is about restoration. Redemption isn't the finish line. It's more like you've finally made the team, now get out there and play. Not only will we, as individuals and as the bride of Christ, be restored, but we will be more perfect than we ever have been or thought we could be.
2. I love that the trees continue to bear fruit. Nature keeps going - trees continue their cycle, giving everything they have right now - in the fall - of every year for God's glory, even if He doesn't come and redeem them just yet. What a powerful word is that if spoken over our lives? - that we give all that we are for the glory of God, even if it means waiting for our restoration and waiting for the fulfillment of His promises. Even if it means going through some rough times over and over again. Even if it means living in cycles until we have the power in Him to break them.. He uses hard times to test us, yes, but also to mold us, shape us, and cleanse us in preparation for His will for us.
3. It seems that God is saying He is with us, the mountains, trees, and land given to Israel, even in the hard times - "it's okay because I'm using this, too, to prepare for what I have coming." WOW. Speaking to my siestas who've read SLI, and even those who haven't...WHAT SATAN WOULD USE FOR EVIL, GOD WILL USE FOR GOOD - our insecurities, while devastating, are not the end. God can, will, and DOES use those for good.
4. He is on our side - Romans 8:28. He has a plan.
5. We are His temple - He will fill us with His people. That's a picture of His promise in Genesis for fertility, yes, and also explains that awful monthly battle we women have to face, but also perfectly describes the church! Not only is He restoring these earthly bodies and making them more than perfect, but He's also restoring and perfecting the church - His bride - for the wedding that is coming.....under the chuppah - the covenant. WOW!!
6. We.will.know.Him.


17 October 2010

Your Faithful Love

Psalm 119:41 "Let Your Faithful Love come to me, LORD, Your salvation, as You promised."
Psalm 119:64 "LORD, the earth is filled with Your Faithful Love; teach me Your statutes."
Psalm 119:76 "May Your Faithful Love comfort me, as You promised Your servant."
Psalm 119:88 "Give me life in accordance with Your Faithful Love, and I will obey the decree You have spoken."
Psalm 119:124 "Deal with Your servant based on Your Faithful Love; teach me Your statutes."
Psalm 119:149 "In keeping with Your Faithful Love, hear my voice."
Psalm 119:159 "LORD, give me life, according to Your Faithful Love."
Psalm 36:7 "Your Faithful Love is so valuable that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings."
Psalm 25:6-7 "Remember, LORD, Your compassion and Your Faithful Love, for they hvae existed from antiquity. Do not remember the sins of my youth or the acts of rebellion; in keeping with Your Faithful Love, remember me because of Your goodness, LORD."
Psalm 25:10 "All the LORD's ways show Faithful Love and truth to those who keep His covenant and decrees."
Psalm 147:11 "The LORD values those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His Faithful Love."
Psalm 141:5 "Let the righteous one strike me -- it is an act of Faithful Love; let him rebuke me -- it is oil for my head; let me not refuse it. Even now my prayer is against the evil acts of the wicked."

06 October 2010


At the battlefield
oh with bullets flying
fiery arrows
i'm the bullseye

we are the army of God
here we come yeah
we are the army of God
here we come, Lord, here we come

on our knees we march through the battlefield
to lose our life
but to find life in You
Awake you sleeper.
Arise from the dead.

because we are the army of God.
here we come.